Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Goals, witha PLAN!

How many times have you said, "I wish I looked like _______?" What about wanting someone legs, abs, confidence, ambition, determination, muscles, whatever! We've all been there where we've desired something that someone else had.  Now the difference between us just desiring something and the person who has achieved your desired goal is the work they put in. Let me explain.  Couple year back when I had first met my personal trainer, I looked at her and judged her.  My gal Eva Shurts is this gorgeous woman with a completely ripped total body.  I hated her look just out of jealousy really.  I told myself and accepted that it's not normal to look like that and that big girls need love too! ;) But in reality, I was making excuses for myself to eat poorly and not workout.  Before Eva started working out, she was right where I was.  The difference, she chose to get up and change her poor habits to clean positive habits.  She learned many lessons when transforming her body and now she guides others toward achieving their fitness goals. Here was my revelation from the other day while I was training one of my clients on the TRX.  I had just finished demonstrating the plank and was about to tell her which muscles she was working and why when she said, "Oh! Your working your whole upper body too!  I can see ALL of your muscles in your back and arms!" I smiled and said yes!  "Dang, I need arms like you!" She said.  I confirmed that she would get there and we continued on.  But as I thought about it later, I realized she did exactly what I did when I first started training.  She saw a direct result of consistent exercise and diet and got a glimpse of her potential.  My gal finished her workout like a champ and even more excited to train! In closing, understand that a goal without a plan of action is just a wish.  I encourage all of you to sit down and write out your goals, BUT ALSO, write out how you plan to achieve those goals.  For me, it was working with a trainer.  A trainer guided me with workouts to get the desired goals, but also held me accountable to CLEAN eating habits.  My eyes have really been open to the idea that consistently walking into the gym without a plan and expecting GREAT results is setting yourself up for failure.  You need someone to guide you just like a GPS.  Someone to tell you to keep going, as well as WRONG TURN. Know you can achieve your goals, but it'll take some work and dedication. You'll have to dig deep and understand their is NO finish line... Only a line of progression. Don't cheat yourself, the joy and reward of achieving the goals is amazing! BeBlessed A

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