Sunday, May 22, 2016

Relationship w/ the Gym

I know I correlate a lot of church analogies with the gym, but this morning it was so evident to me. The pastor has been going through a sermon series called Relationship 101. We've gone through various scriptures learning about relationships with parents, children, coworkers, marriages, and today was about friendships.

The pastor read the following scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, own can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

Like the pastor stated, many times this scripture is chosen for a wedding ceremony, however he opened my eyes to the importance of surrounding yourself with others who are willing to pour into you and vice versa. 

Two things have meaning,
1. A relationship with Christ
2. A relationship with Others

God has designed us to find significance in community. 
What's your community? For me, mine is the gym. 
I think back to what kept me moving forward in my fitness goals and many times it had a lot to do with relationships with people at my gym. Those with similar goals as myself I'm able to relate to and build a relationship with. Yes, I'm motivated and driven, but I need accountability. I have a Coach to give me feedback and challenge me to a higher level. I have individuals that I have made quality relationships with at the gym and they challenge me to be better. And when the devil wants to get the best of me, he allows me to get into my feelings and get down on myself. The devil does a good job of driving a wedge between those who encourage me to be better by keeping me so busy that I don't make time for those quality relationships where I can be filled up again.

Don't get me wrong, I need and love my alone time, but I need to be with people to grow. Growth happens through relationships. And that brings me to my next point, my clients. Many times I feel as if I'm more than just their personal trainer. I hear a lot of what is on their heart, from the good to the bad. But not only do I pray they are growing from my relationship with them, but I'm also growing from my relationship with them. So many times the people I train know far more than I do when it comes to all things pertaining to life. I respect them and I'm truly willing to learn from them and their experiences as well.

God designed us to face life together and designed us to come together to strengthen and support each other. And this is the bottom line of why I enjoy the gym so much. It has taught me so much more about myself. I've learned to stop giving up and giving up on myself. It has taught me to believe in me. The challenges of the gym has challenged me to become stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally. I see my clients strength and their potential even when they can't see it within themselves. I've said this time and time again, but your trainer of all people should be your number one supporter. And to all my clients, I am. I see your worth and I value you. I appreciate your friendships and I appreciate your willingness to share your life with me.

So maybe many think of the gym as just the gym, but the gym is my second home. It's my place of work, but I have the opportunity to work with some really awesome individuals. I have grown in the gym and for that, I am thankful for. And I will continue to grow physically, but also in
relationships with others.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Never Doubt Yourself

This weekend has been a whirlwind of events. I worked a busy week to fit everyone in before I left town to support my friend compete in her first bikini competition. I must say that every single time I go to a bodybuilding competition I leave more encouraged and excited to get back to the gym. There's something about being around individuals who desire to take their level of fitness to a whole other level and compete.

When I first met Chania one of the first conversations we had was about her desire to compete. We talked about it several times. One day I told her about a place she could check out suits and the next thing I knew, she had ordered one. She's a gal who knows what she wants and goes full force after it and she felt this was what she wanted to do to take her fitness to the next level. After having her suit for a few weeks and no Coach, she was inspired by a show she went to in Texas and decided she was doing the NPC Midway Show in Wichita. She linked up with Anthony Sullivan and began putting in the work she needed to for the stage.

It was cool to see this girl transform not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
So many times in life things get tough and we back away. We don't embrace the challenge or the struggle. We look for an easy way out instead of facing the challenge and growing from it. I saw Chania's ups and downs through her prep. I saw her doubt herself from time to time, but the girl never quit. She showed up the day of her competition and brought the best version of herself and there's something to be said about that. She looked beautiful and all her hard work definitely showed.

However, with all her glitz and glam from the weekend, here's the one thing I admire most about this girl. Her faith. As Chania was leaving for the evening show, she grabbed her bible and journal and walked out the door with all her things she needed for the evening show. I helped her with her suit when I got in the door and then during the final show before she went up on stage I got this text from her, 

"Do you ever get down on yourself and think you don't have any skills to offer? It's not true, God has given you many skills. Thinking you don't have anything skills is not humility, instead you fail to correctly see your blessings given to you by God. We even devalue our skills when we compare ourselves to others and wish we had their skills. Those thoughts are not complimenting towards God either. God has given skills to everyone and by embracing them we can truly use our skills to worship God." Referencing Exodus 31:6

I think that scripture and devotional is one so many of us can relate to. Whether it's us feeling worthy enough for a certain job or task, doubting our abilities, or bringing your best package to the stage. We can't allow fear or unworthiness hold us back. God have given each of us talents and abilities to own. I don't think that devotional was just for Chania, I truly believe it was for me and you. To know that those God given talents and abilities are His blessings to us. So if you were needing permission, go ahead and start owning them blessings your were given. Don't waste let them waste away. And if there's a dream and goal you have in mind, don't let anyone tell you it's impossible. Just start, put in the work, keep God first, and let Him bless you.

To all the competitors from this last weekend and those who will competing, continue doing your thing. Never doubt yourself. Focus on the task, put in the work, and continue to create the best version of yourself that you can. You Vs You.