Monday, July 2, 2012


What’s your inspiration?  What gets you moving?  What drives and motivates you?

Last January when I was apart of the Nike Women “Make Yourself” campaign that's exactly what they were asking!  What are you doing and what inspires you?  I chose to make myself DYNAMIC by refusing to make excuses and I was featured as one of their women spotlights.  And as this lifestyle of fitness has continued to unfold for me, I’m finding more and more inspirations. 

My old inspiration used to be: not be fat so I can get married.  SHALLOW, yep!  But that is the whole reason I decided I wanted to get ride of my fat.  I didn’t want to spend my life lonely and married and have 100 cats!  

However, as the weight began to come off, I realized my inspiration was to “NEVER GO BACK TO BEING THE OLD ALISON”.  I was pathetic.  My family still jokes about how I used eat, eat, eat, and then watch T.V. and eat some more.  Occasionally, I would find time to complain about how I was doing so much- when I really was doing nothing.  The PAST ALISON drove me to better myself.  I knew where I HAD BEEN, and refused to go back.

But what keeps me going?  Other individuals!  Every single time I walk into the gym I see someone working with a trainer who was told “They COULD’T” or “Will NOT be able to”.  I’m inspired by women and men who come morning and evening to classes to put in EXTRA work to achieve their goal.  I have even met one individual that shouldn’t be walking!  THESE are the people who keep me going.  Yes, I lost 90lbs with a thyroid disorder working against me.  But there are far greater people doing amazing things with their bodies for their own health because they refused to accept failure and defeat.

This week’s success is realizing that we are our own worst enemies.  We tell ourselves we can’t before we even try.  The bottom line is your excuses are only holding YOU back.  The pity party has to stop.  Begin by loving yourself enough to practice discipline in your life.  Why hold off a more enjoyable life?  Don’t wait for a NEW YEAR resolution.  Start now by getting a trainer to hold you accountable and PUSH you!  Start now by putting down the soda and grabbing water.  Start now by putting down the chips and salsa or ice cream.  Start now by EDUCATING yourself on how to eat clean.    Don’t cheat yourself!  Your body is a walking journal (analogy from #TeamWilson), so if you aren’t feeding it and exercising it… it’s NO secret… YOU SEE IT, and so does EVERYONE ELSE!  Let’s get it together and make the choice to do something for our bodies.  COMMIT!

1 comment:

  1. Well done you! I'm a few steps behind on a similar journey.

