Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fit & Healthy, A Journey

As I continue to work with my clients more and more, I never lose sight of where I was because I see myself in each of them.  The individuals I relate to most are the emotional and stress eaters.  No matter how hard you work  your butt off in our training session or on your own, you have to watch what you eat to make the goals  you have for yourself.  For years I tried to eat like all my friends and found myself working out for 4-5 hours a day and made no progress.  It was once I committed to writing down what I was eating and planning out my meals was I able to lose my weight.

So when I met with a client last week who was getting frustrated with not making the goals she had for herself, I asked her about her diet.  When she handed me her food journal, she said she had done really well.  As I looked over the journal and was not happy about the lack of protein and the high amounts of chocolate, sweet treats, and refined sugars consumed each day, I thought I'd get her opinion first.  She went into explaining how even though it looks bad, it's not as bad as it used to be.  That instead of eating one Cinnamon roll, she used to have two or three.  That the couple of Hershey Kisses used to be a bag at a time.  That it used to be a pan of brownies, but now she stops after one. 

I took a deep breath as all I wanted to do was lay into her for eating what she had, she was sabotaging herself!  However, the other side of me, the side that had been in her exact spot just a few years ago could relate.  I know how hard it is to give up something that is our safety blanket when we are stressed, upset, afraid, or anxious.  As a trainer, I was happy to hear her thought process because that is how it goes for people with food addictions.  Giving up things as we are ready to give them up happens sometimes slowly or in an instant.  It was a huge light bulb moment the day I realized that I was sabotaging myself with peanut butter and almond butter.  I knew I could have a little, but I would chose to eat spoonfuls instead of my veggies and protein.  I wouldn't plan my meals because I would just buy a tub of peanut butter and eat that for a meal.  I was definitely consuming too much.  When I realized this, back in September, I have maybe had 2 table spoons total of nuts since.  It's something that is destructive to my diet and if I give in a little, I give in a lot.  So I would rather go with out.

Bottom line, to tell someone with a food addiction that we can't have this, this, and that we want it more like a 2 year old child who is told no to something.  It's a process just like working out is.  For some it just clicks, others, you have to mentally be ready to do so.  It's a step by step process not to get frustrated by.  My client is slowly winging herself off sugar, and she might have a bad day, but she is taking steps in the right direction.

Like I say, SUCCESS IN VARIOUS FORMS... PROGRESSION is definitely SUCCESS!  Wherever you fall on the spectrum, have pride in how far you've come, but also have a desire to better yourself.

Have a Very Merry Christmas FitCrew!


  1. Excellent honest post, thanks for sharing & congrats on your own success & coaching others to theirs!

  2. Great post! I'm glad that you were able to see it from her perspective instead of getting upset about it. She'll probably benefit more from support rather than guilt. I think it's interesting how, for some people, giving something up cold turkey is best, while for others it's better to slowly wean off or use moderation. My boyfriend is definitely the all-or-nothing type, while my body works best with moderation.
