Thursday, August 28, 2014

Burpees, Real Life

We all have our weeks and days, the time passes us by and before we know it-another year goes by. However, we've all had those days where you look at the calendar just to see if it's Friday yet. To be honest, this week has been just that. I was ready for the weekend on Wednesday. And if you know me, you'd know that I love life. I look at each day as another blessing, and another day to be better and do better.

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a super overly emotional person. I've gone through and seen a lot so me crying, well it takes a lot (maybe I'm a non typical woman? lol I don't know!?) But after this week of hearing sad news in various peoples lives, I was overwhelmed with sadness. I kept thinking to myself, Why God? So before I returned to the gym Wednesday night, I sat down with my devotional and bible and did some reading. The title just so happened to be called was called "PROTECT" and the scripture was the following;

Psalm 91:1-13The Message (MSG)
91 1-13 You who sit down in the High God’s presence,
    spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow,
Say this: “God, you’re my refuge.
    I trust in you and I’m safe!”
That’s right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
    shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you—
    under them you’re perfectly safe;
    his arms fend off all harm.
Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
    not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
    not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Even though others succumb all around,
    drop like flies right and left,
    no harm will even graze you.
You’ll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
    watch the wicked turn into corpses.
Yes, because God’s your refuge,
    the High God your very own home,
Evil can’t get close to you,
    harm can’t get through the door.
He ordered his angels
    to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they’ll catch you;
    their job is to keep you from falling.
You’ll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
    and kick young lions and serpents from the path.
The blurb at the bottom said, "God is bigger than our problems, bigger than our sicknesses and struggles. He outmatches our money issues and outmuscles our strongest foes. There is nowhere safer and no one stronger than our God. While difficulties may still come, nothing and no one will overcome us. While the battles may ebb and flow, the was is already won."

('Live Second' by Doub Bender)
I prayed protection over my clients and peace over my heart. I told God, I can't protect the people I work with, but I can cover them in prayer.
So waking up Thursday morning, I felt beat up, but knew with God's protection the day was going to be a good day. Client one, client two, then I got to workout. Took an extra scoop of preworkout and had some aggression to put forth to my workout. Just as I was starting, one of the military guys in the gym was just finishing his workout. He's a straight beast! As I walked by him, I hear him say, "Come do burpees with me!" (Eye rolling) I said, "Excuse me?" (REALLY the last thing I was in the mood for)
Him: C'mon, it'll just be a minute!
Him: Yea, a minute. It'll be FUN!
Me: Burpees are never fun...
Him: Just come on!
Me: (Head drooping down) ok, fine...
Headphones in, he signals to go. We start and about, ohh... 20-30 seconds in he turns his burpees into push up burpees. SHOW OFF! lol
We finish and he has the hugest smile on his face and said, good job! My response, thanks, I told you I could hang! And then he said, yea... yea you can... don't be surprised in the future if I have you come do more burpees though, I know you can do them...
I have no idea why burpees changed my attitude completely around... could have been the endorphins? But first and foremost, I walked into the gym with a slight chip on my shoulder. I walked in thinking about all the sadness and bad things going on even though I had prayed and left it up to God. Then, I realized, once I give those burdens up to God, they aren't my burdens anymore. Those are Gods and I prayed that His will be done. I'm not sure if it was the That burpees or not that changed my attitude, I came to the conclusion that life is life. One shot, one chance. Have fun, don't be so serious. Love God and Love His people... And lastly, when life knocks you down, do a burpee and get back up!

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